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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Figured this one would be far too long for a tweet so, here goes.

Know why I love watching Desperate Housewives so much, such that I won't mind sitting in front of the TV for one hour just to watch the episode which I've already watched not too long ago?
Besides the perfectionist Bree's profound and extensive vocabulary, Gaby's attractiveness in ways more than one, and the drama-mama yet ever-lovable Susan, I like how the show inject bits of quotes, especially those that depicts how love in reality is..

An excerpt from season 6, whereby Tom was explaining to Roy about Lynette's position in their marriage:

Roy: I know..., times have changed. But a man is still a man. You gotta have your wife respect you.
Tom: Yeah..she respects me plenty, Roy.
Tom: Here's the thing, you gotta understand Lynette. She grew up without a dad, her mum's a drinker; so she's responsible, for everyone.
Roy: Hmmm well, that's rough.
Tom: It left her with this constant fear that, everything could suddenly fall apart and that's why she needs to control everything. Of course she can't, nobody can. But, she can control me,
Tom: if I let her. So I do. Because it makes her feel safe. And that is my job, as her husband, to make her feel safe.
Roy: You're a good man, Scavo.
Tom: So if you'll excuse me, I've got a hamburger to fetch.

Love takes place in many forms. But usually, it's always these small yet significant sacrifices that really matters.

Imagined at 11:54 PM

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ok, this post is solely for the benefit of my dear CSQ who’ve been bugging me (LOL) since last year on what I want for my birthday cuz they’ve got no idea at all.

Don’t worry, these won’t break your wallet or any sort (:

1-3: ASOS
4: Topshop

Nothing beats getting me my all-time-favourites right?

Anyone of these wedges and the chloe marcie-inspired bag would be very nice tyvm :))

p/s: I'm a uk3 or euro35-36 if you don't already know that.

Imagined at 9:17 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just some of my thoughts on extra-marital affairs

The question is, since women today are financially dependent enough to leave their cheating spouses, why are they not?

Contrary to the traditional thinker's belief that women are the weaker sex, like how they've been constantly portrayed by society as an object of lust, I think women who are able to forgive their cheating husbands are in fact a lot more stronger than people generally think of them. Unlike the men who will attempt to destroy their marriage by divorcing and shaming their cheating wives, these women who forgive, by comparison, actually has much more to deal with emotionally. Imagine the different stages of distraught a woman has to go through; the discovery, the blaming, the avoidance, the coming to terms and the realisation that you still love each other and finally the forgiving. Most men I would say, stop at avoidance because they are too weak to handle the fact they've been cheated upon, much less accepting it.
By contrast, it is really a lot harder to forgive and forget than to just leave.
To women who forgave their cheating husbands: I think you are really strong.

Imagined at 2:42 PM

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today, I just feel this teeny-weeny bit of lousiness inside me.

No explanation needed.

Imagined at 1:05 AM

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


To achieve consistency, either adjust your mindset to accept or change the way you behave such that both reaches an agreement.

Imagined at 7:09 PM

Monday, February 01, 2010

And i have changed my blogskin. Not that I want to(I probably would keep it forever), but the hosting for my previous background kind of expired so after browsing through a couple of skins I settled on this. (:

anyway, nothing has been able to motivate me since school started. Really, it's not as though any of the modules I'm taking this sem suck or what, but I just find it a chooorrreeee to go school. And even when I'm in a lecture my mind is anywhere but the subject itself. -__- It's such a stark difference in my attitudes between this sem and the previous! Oddly, this year I find myself looking forward to CNY than anything else. Ha ha. Hopefully after the festives I can wake up and get down to business.

So, this weekend was spent between sleeping and snoozing away. I think it's true when they say the more you sleep the more tired you get. Cuz up till now(after clocking in more than 12h of sleep daily) I still think I haven't got enough. Someone shout: PIGzZzz! LOL.

On a side note, I think it's useless to get mad at something unless you're expecting a change. Yes, I do get pissed easily at small things but I'm not like, constantly mad. I guess the difference is when you're mad, it's something deeper and theres a certain notion of hatred in it? Whatever, you can disagree with me but you know it's different. I rarely get mad at anything nowadays, partly because of reason no.1(see: 2 posts ago) and partly because of PH1101E. Ha ha. Philosophy that is. Before you get angry, just consider this, what good does it serve for you to get mad? Does it make you gain something? Or gives you a sense of achievement? Does it actually resolve the issue/situation? If the answer to these questions are NO, then, maybe its time to question oneself, what.is.the.point.
From a certain philosophy paper(probably plato/socrates dialogue I cant remember) I read, it started with something like:
why get involved in an argument? Whether you win or you lose the argument, you still lose.
It then continued with paragraphs and paragraphs of elaborations which I can't remember and thus will not bore you with.
The general idea is that even if you do win the argument with substantial evidence, i.e. you have proven the opposition wrong, you still lose - because what good does it do to prove someone wrong and you right? The loser may not be truly convinced and you have made the loser feel bad or inferior about himself. Or even worse, he may nurse a grudge towards you and thus engage in further arguments and then the cycle continues. After such considerations, do you still truly feel that you have won?

Ha ha. thats why most of the time I would rather stop abruptly in the midst of an argument because I know at the end of the day, nobody wins. Anyway, I'm merely using this to back up my reasoning on the 'getting mad' part and just something to share with you folks.

Off to dinner now, tata!

Imagined at 6:14 PM

Friday, January 08, 2010

Will do a post when I've got the photos uploaded (sorry mus, eelen, the mem card reader still not available to me as of now.) But I gotta say this again - I MISS NGONG PING AND TAI O. Haha, and eelen's "MM GOI!" as well as mus's relentless quests for yu dans along with all the other memorable stuffs.
That aside, I think I am very brave to take a level3 MKT module. Zzzz, honestly, I hope I won't die. Now I'm still one module short of the 5 and I still have zero idea having missed 2 rounds of biddings. ): I am bent on keeping my Mondays free but at the same time I want my other days to be kept as free as possible. Haha, I know, a serious lackadaisical attitude towards my studies.. BUT I will study one okay just look at my CAP last sem LOL. If I take Logic (Level2 Philo mod) who wants to take it with me???

Imagined at 9:33 PM

It was a very sad night which left everyone in tears. Someone very dear has embarked on a 10,051km journey away from home. ))':
Oh I can't finish this.
You take good care, it's -9degC over there.

Imagined at 1:53 AM


Find me a window.


